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1.) Floyd - 08/22/2014
[url=http://forums.huntingcountry.com/forums/member.php?11-Floyd]Floyd[/url] has reported a post.

Reason:[quote]The Dickbutt thing and the Amish Vagina comments are offensive (Rude). And now his admission: "I only stay around to keep a few select people riled up." (Harassment)

At any rate, Gerry announced to me he's gone again. I talked to Hunter as well today, and he mentioned his displeasure with Ventilator.

Some people (yes, the usual suspects) are afraid to speak up and have expressed little faith in you.

At Swampy's bidding I asked "the usual suspects" to enter the deer contest. Let's just say it was not well received. Yes, due to Ventilator. Even Swampy admitted he was hoping Ventilator would not sign up.[/quote]
Post: [url=http://forums.huntingcountry.com/forums/showthread.php?1266&p=23494#post23494]Is Alex still alive?[/url]
Forum: Podunk Corner
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: [url=http://forums.huntingcountry.com/forums/member.php?54-Ventilator]Ventilator[/url]
Original Content: [quote]Now Luv2, its been all peaceful around here lately, no since being a Dick Butt!

I only stay around to keep a few select people riled up. :hb:[/quote]