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1.) DropzOfWild - 01/20/2015
What's the best flat black exterior paint either paint on or spray that will withstand the test of time out in the deer woods?
2.) Swamp Fox - 01/20/2015
Whatever's on sale?


No, seriously, I always seem to wind up with Rustoleum for some reason, in spray paint. I think. Once you get in the paint aisle you realize you don't have that many choices in flat black exterior anyway (or any flat exterior that you'd use for hunting/camo).

I read the labels and get the least fancy, easiest to apply. Apparently I haven't been wrong yet, since everything from cargo racks to treestands seems to be holding up.

I wouldn't know about regular paint.
3.) bluecat - 01/20/2015
+1 on the Rustoleum. Seems to hold up for treestands.
4.) Pa bowhunter - 01/21/2015
After 30yrs in construction I have yet to find better than rustoleum....
5.) DropzOfWild - 01/29/2015
Right on guys...thanks for the input.... I just need a big heated room to bake my stands in with the stuff I have now