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1.) crookedeye - 08/29/2020
so i bought a winchester x4..like who cares, anyhow i new you cant shoot steel out of a full choke. but you can in mod choke are imprve cylinder..why is that you can shoot steel shot out of a modified choke are improved cylinder but not in full choke? with the chokes that come with the gun..
2.) crookedeye - 08/29/2020
where i hunt in some places i need to use steel ..by the way dove bacon wrapeed in jalopeno and cream cheese sounds good.
3.) Swamp Fox - 08/29/2020
I've never heard that you "can't." Only that it's not optimal, nor a great idea for high-volume shooting. Also, it makes sense that larger shot acts differentlly from smaller shot.

Here's a great shotgunner (and a great writer) on the subject:
