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1.) toxophilite - 08/15/2014
welcome team #1, deerminator, bowfishhunter, and toxophilite. :tu: looks like a winning combination to me, so any thoughts on a name?:re:
2.) bluecat - 08/15/2014
You guys do know this is a deer contest right? No fish arrows allowed. :wink
3.) Floyd - 08/15/2014
They won't get enough "cow bell" to make it.
4.) Deerminator - 08/15/2014
[QUOTE=bluecat;23390]You guys do know this is a deer contest right? No fish arrows allowed. :wink[/QUOTE]
the number of dead carp between toxo and I has to be 6 figures:grin:
5.) bow-fishhunter - 08/19/2014
[QUOTE=bluecat;23390]You guys do know this is a deer contest right? No fish arrows allowed. :wink[/QUOTE]

Remember the tracking string??? that was great. you could just pull on the string to make sure the deer was dead :tu:
6.) toxophilite - 09/04/2014
did some treestand prep today with my son, got three locations set up and one stand in the oaks is looking especially good, we seem to have a bumper crop of acorns this year :tu:
7.) Deerminator - 09/04/2014
should be a great year:grin:
8.) toxophilite - 09/22/2014
9 days till the opener here in N.Y. and I'm sooo ready, deerminator and I have been scouting our secret stand locations and the sign is really good, :tap::tap::tap: the next few days are gonna crawl :re:
9.) bow-fishhunter - 09/22/2014
Lets blow the other teams out of the WATER!!!
10.) toxophilite - 09/24/2014
we got a good start thanks to you, I bet that fresh venison is delicious :tu:
11.) Deerminator - 09/24/2014
I got some picks to post once I send them from my phone to the putor.or photo bucket if it's not too much of a pain. stupid smart phone:bang:
come pleated setup on new secret location stand yesterday. even Mike Mcomebe doesen't know where this one is:grin:
12.) toxophilite - 09/25/2014
yea but i know :wave:
13.) Swamp Fox - 09/25/2014
[QUOTE=Deerminator;25865]I got some picks to post once I send them from my phone to the putor.or photo bucket if it's not too much of a pain. stupid smart phone:bang:
come pleated setup on new secret location stand yesterday. even Mike Mcomebe doesen't know where this one is:grin:[/QUOTE]

I thought the whole point of a stupid smartphone was that you didn't need a 'puter...I'd say you need a camera and some type of UPS cable...
14.) Deerminator - 09/25/2014
, Your right Swampy.
I don't need no stink'n computor.
:tu:Toxo hasn't seen thies yet either:-)