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1.) Swamp Fox - 01/08/2015
[QUOTE=luv2bowhunt;28422]You've been drinking the NRA cool-aid too long. [/QUOTE]

I believe you are confusing Kool-Aid with Cool Whip, a common mistake among amateurs and those benighted souls who prefer pie over cake.

Speaking of the NRA, I haven't been getting their magazine for a couple of years (they have an opt-out option) because I already have too much to read and most of their stuff is not too interesting to me anyway. But I keep thinking that maybe I missed the two or three good articles they might have published in the time that I have been hiding out. But since they don't have an on-line archive or reading room, I'm SOL. I could order hard-copy Xeroxes of articles that I can identify and that they can locate in the storage room, though---I'm not kidding; that's how it works.

So I'm asking: anything I should go look for? Just throw it out there. I'll say my mind is open as to what I'm interested in.

What's been in the NRA magazines in the last couple of years, say, that might be worthwhile? Anything that's not a buzz-kill. :re:

Also, feel free to weigh in on cake vs. pie, or [I]Cool Whip [/I]vs. [I]Cool Whhip[/I].
2.) luv2bowhunt - 01/08/2015
I'll tell you what you're missing. If you are buying a tub of that white cool whip instead of picking up the carton of whipping cream, you've been missing out. Takes only a few minutes of whipping and voila, you've got homemade whipping cream from real cream and a real cow. Like night and day between the 2.

I wouldn't be interested in any NRA magazine, even if it was the only one in the doctor's office. Guns and gun talk are very boring to me.:co:
3.) bluecat - 01/08/2015

I like Cool Whip.
4.) Swamp Fox - 01/08/2015
Well, thanks for calling in...

Both of you, LOL

5.) Swamp Fox - 01/08/2015
[QUOTE=luv2bowhunt;28433]I'll tell you what you're missing. If you are buying a tub of that white cool whip instead of picking up the carton of whipping cream, you've been missing out. Takes only a few minutes of whipping and voila, you've got homemade whipping cream from real cream and a real cow. Like night and day between the 2.


Ever notice there's no such thing as a plastic or rubber whisk? What's up with that?

How'm I sposed to whisk roux in a non-stick skillet with a metal whisk? And don't tell me with a wooden spoon. My gosh, this is 1997, not the 1600's...
6.) luv2bowhunt - 01/08/2015

Get with the times Tarheel.
7.) bluecat - 01/08/2015
Good quality industrial kitchen items won't be invented for another 10 years.
8.) Swamp Fox - 01/08/2015
Ha! Obviously I frequent the wrong kind of stores. If only there were a way to find items you wanted to buy without having to know where to go to buy them...
9.) Deerminator - 01/08/2015
10.) Swamp Fox - 01/08/2015



11.) Deerminator - 01/09/2015
12.) Bob Peck - 01/09/2015
[QUOTE=Deerminator;28449]:dig:[/QUOTE] Thanks for the laugh! That was a great way to start my day. :laugh:
13.) Deerminator - 01/09/2015
14.) Swamp Fox - 01/09/2015
D's funny bone's been acting up lately, LOL...

Don't take anything for it, and call us every few hours.

15.) Swamp Fox - 01/12/2015

[B]I fear for our nation. [/B]

This caught my eye:

[I]According to a Princeton University student, joking about the way he pronounces “Cool Whip” is a microaggression, and microaggressions are very serious because they cause binge drinking...

“I waited awhile and texted her [a fellow student who hurt his feelings] this: ‘Making fun of regional speech is a microaggression,’” he wrote.

It was obviously very brave of Parton to stand up against oppression via text message — but his friend didn’t even say she was sorry for her brutal insensitivity!

“There came no apology or retraction,” he wrote.

According to Parton, that jerk of a friend merely told him to post his complaint on “Tiger Microaggressions,” which is the name of a Facebook page where Princeton students can report any microaggressions they experience on campus...

In fact, he said her callous response made him realize that he might have committed a microaggression against another person at some time in his life without even realizing he was doing it!

“I am afraid because microaggressions aren’t harmless — there’s research to show that they cause anxiety and binge drinking among the minority students who are targeted,” he wrote.

Parton ends his column with a plea to readers to “send me a message if I have ever hurt your feelings. I will do what I can to make it up to you.”

It is unclear whether or not he is also accepting letters from those who may have been driven to binge drinking by reading his column.

16.) Wild Bob - 01/13/2015
Good to see you gents have kept up the extremely difficult and stimulating topics of discussion while I have been away! :re: :-)
17.) Swamp Fox - 01/17/2015
LOL...There's no rest for the wicked, Bob. You know that. :grin:

Here's a good story that could have appeared in an NRA magazine. It could have used the attention to detail those guys usually dish out, not to say the dry and tedious writing. Put the NRA, a Reuters reporter and an internet comments section all on one screen and you'd really have some top-tier entertainment, LOL.

[I][B]Archaeologists find 1882 rifle leaning against Nevada desert tree[/B][/I]


And from the comments section:

[I]Always have a person who knows firearms vet an article about firearms by a jounalism [sic] major. They are apparently all proud of being ignorant on this subject.

The carbine is an 1873 Winchester, first manufactured in 1873.

It is not a model 1882, as described in the article title.
It is not a model 1783, as described in the article itself.
It is not a model 1773 as described in the picture caption.

In fact, there are no such model years ( A pre-Revolutionary War lever action? Good lord, the stupid burns here ).

Not only do they get the date of manufacture wrong, but they used three different dates in different places in the article.


Leaving aside the fact that the title didn't actually claim the rifle to be a [I][I]Model[/I][/I] 1882, but merely that the gun was an "1882 rifle" in the same way my Bronco is a 1995 SUV (not model-named that) I enjoyed this comment especially well. LOL

Note that this article lists both an author and an editor, and as of 9 AM on 1/17 the editor still has his job, apparently. :co:
18.) billy b - 01/17/2015
I saw that article yesterday, if only that rifle could talk:wink
19.) Swamp Fox - 01/17/2015
My money's on OUTLAWS!

20.) Wild Bob - 01/23/2015
There's probably a dead guy not too far from it...if they dig around.