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1.) Pa bowhunter - 03/16/2013
I finally made it, good to see everybody again, and thank you Alex, hope everybody is doing good.
2.) Swamp Fox - 03/16/2013
Welcome back!
3.) Pa bowhunter - 03/16/2013
Thanks swampy.
4.) Swamp Fox - 03/16/2013
Throw something up that you like on the Music thread....these people on here[B] SUCK[/B] sometimes...:re::wink
5.) Pa bowhunter - 03/16/2013
As soon as i get a little more time, just got home to Pa, and have to spend some time with the wife after being gone all week..
6.) Deerminator - 03/16/2013
There ya are:wave:
7.) Swamp Fox - 03/16/2013
Well, okay.. :re: But don't let me hear about all I do is give a lot of $#!+ to Pennsylvanians...:wink

Luv2 isn't doing y'all a lot of good...


8.) Deerminator - 03/16/2013
Us New Yorkers need some place to buy ammo and guns:-)
9.) Swamp Fox - 03/16/2013
10.) Leighton - 03/16/2013
Good to see you made it.:wave:
11.) Pa bowhunter - 03/16/2013
Hello, Deerminator and Leighton.:wave::wave:

Deerniminator, there is not alot of ammo to be found anywhere, but it has to better than ny.

Swampy, that Luv2 is hit or miss :-), and i still say we have mountain lions :bang:, we have also now have confermed cwd in three counties, could make for some tough hunting in the future...

Leighton hope all is good across the pond...
12.) TRAVELER - 03/16/2013
Welcome to HC. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
13.) DropzOfWild - 03/17/2013
Welcome! Hope you find all your answers you need
14.) luv2bowhunt - 03/18/2013
PA domination has begun. As soon as city shows up your guys are toast.
15.) rum3002576 - 03/18/2013
hi PA Bowhunter:wave:
16.) Ventilator - 03/18/2013
Hey Pa, hope things are good in the snowy state! :wink