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1.) Wild Bob - 07/28/2017
Post 'em up...let see how those herbaceous vittles are coming along.

It's so dry here that I'm really going through the water just trying to keep everything alive and growing.

But at least things are growing slowly... :tu:
2.) DParker - 07/28/2017
Nice spread...but I'm really struggling to identify that melon variety in the last pic. What is it?
3.) Wild Bob - 07/28/2017
Thanks, its spaghetti squash...but I can't figure out why that one is so dark. I agree with you, it looks more like a melon. Perhaps I got a wayward melon in my squash patch?? LOL.
4.) bluecat - 07/28/2017
Look good Bob.

Don't have any pics right now but I'm cleaning out the garden to get ready for fall. Will make pickles this weekend for the last time then let it lay dormant for a month. Will have a fall garden of beets, turnips and spinach.