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1.) Swamp Fox - 05/08/2020
Post your favorite bits of authentic outdoor nonsense wisdom here.

I was inspired to the possibilities of this thread when CE tried to troll cats and raccoons ... LOL

Because... one of my favorite bits of nonsense is that raccoons walking around in the day are rabid. I have head that all my life, and continue to hear it.

I don't hear it so much from people who might actually be around raccoons on a regular basis, but it's out there, Jerry.

I see raccoons during the day all the time. Sooner or later I will end up adopting one. (Illegally, LOL)

Let's hear your favorites...

(And by the way, my cats and the raccoons get along just fine. The cats defer to the coons, which is not always what you see on YouTube. I'm not saying they've never gotten into a fight/slap match---just that I've never seen it, and I've had to tend to very few wounds of any origin on these "barn cats" (semi-wild, certainly not domesticated ... Just hangin' around and lovin' me for my Friskies... )

I worry more about the possums, since they're smaller (more easily challenged, theoretically) and less polite than even the most persistent raccoon, but again from what I've seen over the years the cats just stay out of their way and watch them from a safe position.

2.) bluecat - 05/09/2020
The first few that come to mind are turkeys eat quail eggs and pheasants eat quail eggs. So someone is always complaining that the quail aren't around because of this.
3.) bluecat - 05/09/2020
Deer have a void- that space between lungs, heart and stomach that is just hollow.
4.) bluecat - 05/09/2020
Btw, Growing up I always wanted a pet coon.
5.) Swamp Fox - 05/12/2020
[QUOTE=bluecat;60886]Deer have a void- that space between lungs, heart and stomach that is just hollow.[/QUOTE]

That's a good one. More on that later ...
6.) Swamp Fox - 05/12/2020
[QUOTE=bluecat;60885]The first few that come to mind are turkeys eat quail eggs and pheasants eat quail eggs. So someone is always complaining that the quail aren't around because of this.[/QUOTE]

I've never heard those before. Not that we have pheasants ... But turkeys eating quail eggs? ---That's crazy talk! === :grin:
7.) Swamp Fox - 05/12/2020
A long time ago, the problem with quail was that Mexican quail were taking over ... Some of you will think I'm joking... Mexican quail were known for running but never flushing ... It's a problem ....

I hate to even bring it up on this site ...
8.) bluecat - 05/12/2020
Deer will not be around cattle. lol
9.) bluecat - 05/12/2020
You can only kill a nice buck on the days that the literature (forecasts, solunar tables, Field and Stream, biological studies) tells you you can.
10.) DParker - 05/12/2020
[QUOTE=bluecat;60907]Deer will not be around cattle. lol[/QUOTE]

That's actually a good one to perpetuate, considering how many half-blind hunters there seem to be.
11.) bluecat - 05/13/2020
Paper tuning is stupid because you aren't actually hunting paper.
12.) bluecat - 05/13/2020
Bareshaft tuning is stupid because you don't hunt with bareshafts.
13.) Swamp Fox - 05/14/2020
[QUOTE=bluecat;60907]Deer will not be around cattle. lol[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=DParker;60911]That's actually a good one to perpetuate, considering how many half-blind hunters there seem to be.[/QUOTE]

And also around horses... I've seen some weird//very funny stuff between deer and horses; less so around cattle but I'm around cattle less. If there's an edge deer like/should like but it happens to be around cattle, I think it's the same as around horses: deer will use it. The grazing value is a different question.

Deer and cattle and horses living together?!; The Apocalypse!
14.) bluecat - 05/14/2020
"You'll never amount to much, son."
15.) bluecat - 05/14/2020
If your head is warm your whole body will be warm.
16.) Swamp Fox - 05/15/2020
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;60903]That's a good one. More on that later ...[/QUOTE]

There was a huge melee on that on Boosite back in the day.... [discussing the dreaded "void" in a deer's chest cavity]

I don't know if anyone talks about it still (the topic, not the thread/s).

Speaking of Bowsite, does anyone anymore?

By the way, do a yahoo image seach for "melee."

No wonder we're phucked.

17.) bluecat - 05/15/2020
Unless you hang your deer, it won't be tender.
18.) Swamp Fox - 05/15/2020
Head up, or head down?
19.) crookedeye - 05/17/2020
[QUOTE=bluecat;60923]Unless you hang your deer, it won't be tender.[/QUOTE]

dont forget it needs to be at a temp of no less or more than 39 degress..if you keep it at that temp for 4 days you will have mouth watering venision..
20.) Swamp Fox - 05/19/2020
While I believe there is something behind ageing beef, I doubt the average hunter can come close to high-end steakhouse procedures with venison either on his own or with the average deer processor. This is is a function of process, props and patience.

I would love for some knucklehead outdoor writer to explain exactly how pains-taking a process it would be to age your venison properly and exactly all the equipment, time and people you'd need to make it happen ... As opposed to popping off about it in a 300-word theoretical sidebar every other year in "Goobers Go Gear Gunning".