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1.) VAarcher - 05/29/2013
2.) Swamp Fox - 05/29/2013
The parents of the kid who ratted him out should be forced to apologize...

Who says the kids don't learn anything in school?: "He knows guns are bad..."

Oh, I love this little tidbit, too:

"In April, TheBlaze first reported that a New York father had his pistol license revoked after his son and two of his classmates talked about going to a boy’s house with a water gun, “paint gun” and a BB gun. School officials called police and apparently felt they had enough cause to revoke John Mayer’s handgun license."
3.) DParker - 05/29/2013
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;6282]The parents of the kid who ratted him out should be forced to apologize...[/quote]

So should the parents of any kids who were "traumatized" by the sight of a Lego toy.

Pretty soon flexing your biceps and making a joke about "the gun show" will be a class B felony.
4.) DParker - 06/04/2013
I'll see your after-class detention and forced apology for having a quarter-sized plastic Lego toy gun and raise you a ten-day suspension and attempted warrantless search of your home by a sheriff's deputy for merely [I]saying[/I] the word "gun" on the school bus:

5.) Swamp Fox - 06/04/2013
Four-page questionnaire from the sheriff's office, huh?

I got your questionnaire right here...:re:

I like this, too: "'Across the board, we are concerned about practices where we have these sort of knee-jerk reactions without really stopping to think and use our common sense about whether what a kid is doing or saying actually presents any sort of concern for the safety and well-being of others,' Kumar said."

Is school a place where you're supposed to learn to think and use common sense, or not? Follow an adult example, or not? Maybe it's just a place to learn how to put a condom on a banana and what it's like to feel like a Pacific Islander, or a boy who likes to dress like a girl.

I don't know. I haven't been in school in a long time.
6.) DParker - 06/04/2013
When the ACLU is actually criticizing an over-reaction to something firearms related, you know you've crossed a line of stupidity. Kinda' like when the KKK made the effort to publicly distance itself from the Westboro Baptist Church.
7.) Swamp Fox - 06/04/2013
I wonder if a kid comes home from school and says he wishes he'd been a "Native American" back in the day, with a Winchester rifle and a wagonload of ammo so he "could have kept the white man from stealing his land", could the parents call the law and get a deputy to rummage through the teacher's house, or at least get a questionnaire filled out?
8.) DParker - 06/04/2013
I'd just ask the kid if he really knows where someone could score a wagonload of ammo.
9.) Swamp Fox - 06/04/2013