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1.) Dansim - 09/17/2014
I am a High school student and i need help with a project i have a survey which i will put the link down please answer truthfully thank you so much in this.

2.) DParker - 09/17/2014
Hmmmm. Even before I'd answered a single question the progress bar in the lower right corner was completely filled in and said, "100%: You made it."

As a bonus I'll help you with your English homework as well:

[INDENT]"I am a [B][I][COLOR="#FF0000"]h[/COLOR][/I][/B]igh school student and [B][I][COLOR="#FF0000"]I[/COLOR][/I][/B] need help with a project[B][I][COLOR="#FF0000"].[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][I][COLOR="#FF0000"]I[/COLOR][/I][/B] have a survey [B][I][COLOR="#FF0000"]to which I have provided a link.[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][I][COLOR="#FF0000"]P[/COLOR][/I][/B]lease answer truthfully[B][I][COLOR="#FF0000"].[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][I][COLOR="#FF0000"]T[/COLOR][/I][/B]hank you so much [B][I][COLOR="#FF0000"]for[/COLOR][/I][/B] this."[/INDENT]
3.) Swamp Fox - 09/17/2014
ur 2 fun e u ran him of
4.) Swamp Fox - 09/17/2014
Looking forward to the site crashing in 5, 4, 3, 2...
5.) Swamp Fox - 09/17/2014
Saving all my good posts now...Shouldn't take too long...
6.) Wild Bob - 09/17/2014
I think he could be a Scottish exchange student; that would explain the way he worded his inquiry…:-)
7.) Swamp Fox - 09/17/2014
Until the virus spreads, I wonder if naphthalene mothballs, garden hoes, gasoline or 12-gauge shotguns figured most prominently in the survey?
8.) Swamp Fox - 09/17/2014
I hate to think DParker ran the lil feller off...

Big ol' meanie...
9.) luv2bowhunt - 09/18/2014
[QUOTE=DParker;25439]Hmmmm. Even before I'd answered a single question the progress bar in the lower right corner was completely filled in and said, "100%: You made it."

As a bonus I'll help you with your English homework as well:

[INDENT]"I am a [B][I][COLOR="#FF0000"]h[/COLOR][/I][/B]igh school student and [B][I][COLOR="#FF0000"]I[/COLOR][/I][/B] need help with a project[B][I][COLOR="#FF0000"].[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][I][COLOR="#FF0000"]I[/COLOR][/I][/B] have a survey [B][I][COLOR="#FF0000"]to which I have provided a link.[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][I][COLOR="#FF0000"]P[/COLOR][/I][/B]lease answer truthfully[B][I][COLOR="#FF0000"].[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][I][COLOR="#FF0000"]T[/COLOR][/I][/B]hank you so much [B][I][COLOR="#FF0000"]for[/COLOR][/I][/B] this."[/INDENT][/QUOTE]

I hereby nominate this post for the 'Reply of the Year' award.:tu::applause::clap:
10.) Deerminator - 09/18/2014
11.) Wild Bob - 09/18/2014
Well, I guess a feller could dunk himself in egg, then roll around in that stuff...and wha-la he'd be reasonably safe from rattlesnakes until his dusting dried and fell off.

Sounds like a method a couple of guys around here might be willing to try. :-) (I'm not one, just for the record.)
12.) Swamp Fox - 09/18/2014

LOL..I wonder what the gentle folks at Snake Shield/Hav-A-Hart have to say about THAT, lol....
13.) Hunter - 09/18/2014
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;25486]LOL..I wonder what the gentle folks at Snake Shield/Hav-A-Hart have to say about THAT, lol....[/QUOTE]

"I'm not impressed." = UNDERSTATEMENT!
14.) Deerminator - 09/18/2014
another and more perfered method;

15.) Deerminator - 09/18/2014
And he thought there wasn't any value to hang around:fire:
16.) Hunter - 09/18/2014
[QUOTE=Deerminator;25490]another and more perfered method;


Now that's what I'm talking about! :hb:
17.) Deerminator - 09/18/2014
All kinds a snake repelant stuff here.
18.) bluecat - 09/18/2014

19.) Deerminator - 09/18/2014