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1.) Bob Peck - 12/04/2015
[FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR="#0000CD"]There are three types of people in this world: sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs.

Some people prefer to believe that evil doesn't exist in the world, and if it ever darkened their doorstep, they wouldn't know how to protect themselves. Those are the sheep.

Then you've got predators who use violence to prey on the weak. They're the wolves.

And then there are those blessed with the gift of aggression, an overpowering need to protect the flock. These men are the rare breed who live to confront the wolf. They are the sheepdog.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[SIZE=1]-Wayne Kyle, Father of Chris Kyle-[/SIZE]
2.) Swamp Fox - 12/04/2015
Let's add the ostrich and the chameleon. The snake is assumed.

BTW, check your PMs, Bob.
3.) Wild Bob - 12/04/2015
Kind of brings this to mind from Ben Franklin...

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”

~Benjamin Franklin
4.) DParker - 12/04/2015
I'll come back when I figure out how to work the striped bandicoot into this rapidly growing menagerie.
5.) Swamp Fox - 12/04/2015
Well, don't add the coyote. This is not a coyote: It's Ralph Wolf (with Sam Sheepdog)...Clocking in to tend to the flock.


Also: They had lunch in the eighteenth century? :wink

"The quotes of famous people on the internet are like a box of chocolates." ---Winston Churchill
6.) Deerminator - 12/04/2015
Morning George
Morning Fred
7.) Swamp Fox - 12/04/2015

8.) Bob Peck - 12/08/2015
So sad it's come to PSA's to get absolutely everyone completely riled up and scared. When they got to the "Fight" part of the first video they never mentioned pulling your conceal carry .45 out and getting ready for the shot opportunity.

9.) bluecat - 12/08/2015
[QUOTE=DParker;36919]I'll come back when I figure out how to work the striped bandicoot into this rapidly growing menagerie.[/QUOTE]

10.) DParker - 12/08/2015
That first video was very disappointing. The guy with the backpack...who ends up being the shooter...looks like the love child of Bruce Willis and Vin Diesel, so I was really expecting a bad-ass action movie.

I did like the "Improvise Weapons" item listed on the "Fight" slide. I think I could improvise this 17-round 9mm pistol I carry every day into some sort of defensive weapon....'cuz I'm just all MacGyver like that.
11.) Bob Peck - 12/09/2015
[QUOTE=bluecat;37108]LOL![/QUOTE]Is this an inside joke or am I just missing something? striped bandicoot?

 photo PeraGGu2_zps2f3rvwv5.jpg
12.) bluecat - 12/09/2015
Cute little guys aren't they?
13.) Bob Peck - 12/09/2015
Who? You and Swampthing?
14.) bluecat - 12/09/2015
[QUOTE=DParker;37109]That first video was very disappointing. The guy with the backpack...who ends up being the shooter...looks like the love child of Bruce Willis and Vin Diesel, so I was really expecting a bad-ass action movie.

I did like the "Improvise Weapons" item listed on the "Fight" slide. I think I could improvise this 17-round 9mm pistol I carry every day into some sort of defensive weapon....'cuz I'm just all MacGyver like that.[/QUOTE]

That might work, but I'm going the whole 'roll up in a fetal ball position and pretend to be dead' route. :wink
15.) DParker - 12/09/2015
[QUOTE=Bob Peck;37148]Is this an inside joke or am I just missing something? striped bandicoot?[/QUOTE]

By the time I got here sheep, wolves, sheepdogs, ostriches, chameleons and snakes were already taken...so I just went with the first exotic critter that popped into my head.
16.) Swamp Fox - 12/09/2015
[QUOTE=Bob Peck;37153]Who? You and Swampthing?[/QUOTE]

17.) Wild Bob - 12/09/2015
I don't know if I'd call them cute...may be their mothers would... :-)
18.) Wild Bob - 12/09/2015
"Swampthing... " I love it! :lol::lol::clap: